Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The ability to sway crowds and crumble empires!

Roman Catholics were losing ground, struggling for unity, and saw the vitality of controlling the laity's songs. Frid. Nausea Blancicampianus states "But if the use of songs of this type must remain publicly in the churches, joined with a certain envy and levity, it will not be possible for long to have unity, since many of the words of the same songs are plainly contrary to the Catholic songs(42)." The Catholics saw how futile their efforts were if they could not stop the reformed hymns from being sung. This is a common problem throughout history. Finlandia was banned because of its strong nationalistic influence, and Communism controlled the styles of Russian composers in order to control the common man. How important songs are to society! They have the ability to sway crowds and crumble empires! With this in mind, how can we, in good conscience, skimp on truth and create a vague, meaningless worship songs?

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