Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Future Well-Being of Society

In Robert Lowry and W. Howard Doane's essay, they state, "The music of the Sunday School is now acknowledged to be an important factor in that grand educational force which is levering up the rising generation to a plane of personal morality and Christian enlightenment. It is admitted that the Sunday School is more potent in providing for the future well-being of Society, than any other instrumentality that affects to mould the coming constituents of the Commonwealth; while no one questions that the saving truths of the Scripture are nowhere brought to bear with greater converting power on the minds of our children, than in the Sunday School. How important, therefore, that the material of a Sunday School Song Book should be made up of the "Pure Gold" of God's Word, with the truths of that Word concreting themselves in Christian experience and life!" (204)

Well, I would have to agree with Lowry and Doane. I never really thought of how important Sunday School is for the souls of our children until this year. Instead, I thought "it's probably unnecessary because it is extra-biblical". However, now, I believe it's vital to have the "milk" of the Gospel being offered to the children during Sunday School. And, along with that, how important it is that children learn catchy, gospel-filled songs!! I pray that many more good, gospel-filled songs will be written for kids. In our desperation to create a good, God-honoring, adult, church worship service, let us not neglect the children, who are, as the authors rightly stated, the "future well-being of Society."(204)

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