Thursday, January 12, 2012

Staying relevant

Horness said, “In short, we must constantly remind ourselves that to stay relevant and meaningful to people we really love and care about, we have to grow younger or our church will just grow old.” (241) It is true that we have a lot to learn about this generation but do we necessarily have to go with the flow just to become more and more like a “seeker sensitive” church? We should be extremely cautious about putting to much emphasis on meeting one’s emotional or “felt” needs rather than preaching the Gospel. How the younger generation feels on issues regarding worship, the program and the teaching environment is too much focused nowadays that the foundation, which the Word, the Gospel is placed as secondary (At least, that is what I am seeing happening) As the younger generation is searching for answers all over the place, should we not go back to the only thing that is relevant, the Bible?

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