Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jed's Hymn Text

Can a mortal be just before immortal God,
And pure in the eyes of his Maker?
From His holiest angels His counsel He guards,
And His servants He charges with error.
Not the sun nor the moon nor their stars and their hosts
Hold their brilliance in light of His splendor.
How much less is a worm that He formed out of dust,
Before God, the Exalted in Power?

Yet the wicked say “What is man that God should care?
That He visits and tests us each moment?
He’s no man, as I am, that I might answer Him!
There’s no arbiter to come between us!”
Though He works and we know not the way that He takes;
All around He moves without our knowing.
Yet He guides us, yet He knows the way that I take!
He has tried me as gold, I am made pure!

Have you sat in the council of Almighty God?
Can you sound out the depths of His wisdom?
It is higher than heaven, O what can you do?
It is deeper than hell, what can you know?
Are the comforts of God not enough for your heart,
Nor the word that He speaks to you gently?
Know then, God exacts less than your guilt should deserve,
For can He see sin yet not consider?

Why still argue, “He answers not one of my words?”
For He gives ears to hear Him when He speaks.
He gives terrible warnings to turn them aside
From their evils to call on their Savior.
Then their prayer He accepts and they sing before men:
“I have sinned and it was not repaid me!”
Behold! God works these wonders again and again
To bring back a man’s soul from damnation!

I had heard of you but a report with my ears;
Now my eyes gaze upon my Redeemer.
I repent in the dust, who but dust am myself,
And I place my hand over my mouth.

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