Thursday, January 12, 2012

God-given gifts

William Billings said, “But thus much would I say, That he who finds gifted with a tunable Voice, and yet neglects to cultivate it, not only hides in the Earth a Talent of the highest Value, but robs himself of the peculiar Pleasure, of which they only are conscious who exercise that Faculty.” (186) Music is a gift from God and it is very powerful indeed. So powerful that it can even become a god. God gave us the gift of music and the ability to enjoy and use it, especially to His glory. I agree with Billings that if we develop those God-given attributes and use them to glorify God and serve other people, great things can be accomplished. However, if we neglect or attempt to use our gifts in ways that God did not intend, our lives will be filled with frustration and failure. This sentence reminds me that God has entrusted His people with these wonderful gifts and when He comes back, I want to be a person who is found ready, who does not waste the gift He has given me.

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