Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Satisfied in God

"If the LORD whom I serve, has been pleased to favor me with that mediocrity of talent, which may qualify me for usefulness to the weak and the poor of his flock, without quite disgusting persons of superior discernment, I have reason to be satisfied."(147) When I read this sentence, I realized that this is the kind character that we should strive for because it is very applicable. Newton understood that his gifts (skills) were given to him by God and that it pleased God when he used these gifts to glorify Him, with humility. God has gifted every one of us in a particular way and we have to consider whether or not our gifts from God are used to serve God and His people. God has qualified us so that we can be useful in any kinds of ministries He has called us and we will find satisfaction in Him when we serve Him with humility.

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