Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Muan Pi's Hymn Text

O Lord our God, how glorious

Your Name in all the earth?

Your fame excels in Majesty

The highest heav’n above

Let ev’ry man and babe proclaim

Your strength you did ordain

Unrighteous foes You did restrain

To glorify Your Name

And I behold the heaven’s joy

The works Your hand display,

The moon, the stars proclaim Your might

Set in the sky arrayed

Lord, what are all these worthless men

That You should love them so?

That You remember yet our kin

Who dwell on earth below?

Crowned him with glorious majesty

As mighty angels are

You’ve given him authority

To all things here below

Beasts of the field, birds of the heav’n

And creatures of the sea.

How glorious in all the Earth,

Is Your name, O our Lord

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