Monday, January 9, 2012

Thoughts from Redeemer Presbyterian

During Tim Keller's sermon from Ephesians last night, he said he thought it was possible to study an author so much that you know what he or she would say even if you don't have an exact quote in front of you. He then made the connection to the Word of God. It is possible to become familiar enough with God's Word that you know what He would say, even if there is no explicit command found in Scripture. This may not be exact, but the quote we all loved so much was this: "Wisdom is knowing what to do in the 80% of life that the moral code doesn't cover."

Other great saints have said something along those lines. This statement goes along well with Elisabeth Elliot's writing: "[God] gives all the light we need for trust and obedience." If we will just obey the commands He has put in front of us (reading His word, singing His praises, praying continually, putting off sin, putting on righteousness, fellowshiping with His saints, etc.), we will know what to do in situations that require more discernment. St. Augustine captured that same thought in his writings: "Love God and do what you will."

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