Tuesday, January 10, 2012


When it came to Robert Weber's description of Blended Worship I had a hard time agreeing with the things he placed as important in a worship service, specifically the importance he seemed to place on what he called the "environment." Weber wanted to paint a picture of what the best of Blended worship would look like and he began his description with the environment, seeming to indicate that the environment in which you worship is of great importance. He states that "The theology of the church - Creation, Incarnation, and re-creation - may be reflected in the environment."(pg. 188) While I do believe this is true in some cases and I also see how the place of worship is a logical place to start in an attempt to describe a worship service, I don't think that it is of very great importance. One of the main reasons I disagree with him is because God freed us from designated places of worship through the work of his son. Nowhere in the Bible is there evidence that we need a certain environment to properly worship our creator. Worship is something that we can do anywhere at anytime. And does God really need our efforts in creating a aesthetically pleasing worship environment to bring people to worship him? No! I think I could worship just as well in a cardboard box as in the most ornate cathedral if the truth of God's word is being presented.
The rest of the description that Weber presents seems to set up a formula for the worship service and I struggled to see what it offered that traditional, liturgical or contemporary worship didn't.


  1. I'm showing the picture of a baby, in an impoverished third world country.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
