Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trinitarian Worship

Williams article did a good job of presenting the facts and purpose of charismatic worship without getting too defensive or too caught up in the controversial aspects of it. I thought one of the strong points in the article was when he pointed out how neglected the Holy Spirit can be in other forms of worship. Charismatic worship is distinct because it desires "for worshipers to experience some measure of the full life of the triune God, including the Holy Spirit."(pg. 145) He goes on to say "The gift of "charismatic worship" to the church has been to restore the Holy Spirit to our services." I think he had a point in saying that sometimes the Holy Spirit can be neglected in some forms of worship. We may be afraid to bring him in to our services because of his association to the sign gifts. My question is, since we believe that the sign gifts are no longer working in our churches, what is the job of the Holy Spirit in our worship services? How can we stop him from being neglected in our worship?

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