Friday, January 13, 2012

Need for Change?

In the writings of Joe Horness (contemporary representative) and Sally Morgenthaler (emerging representative), I have often sensed a common theme. It seems as if both of these movements have a fear of the church's antiquated past. This fear functions as an undercurrent for their respective positions on worship in the church. Although this fear has not been directly addressed before, it bubbled to the surface in today's reading.

In Horness's response to Sally's proposal, he says, "[W]e must constantly remind ourselves that to stay relevant and meaningful to people we really love and care about, we have to grow younger or our church will just grow old. (241)" Interesting statement... especially considering the fact that the church is approximately 2,000 years old!

Although I have appreciated hearing Horness and Morgenthaler on various issues regarding worship, this fear seems unfounded. If we really believe the Bible is the Word of God, there is no pressing need to remain culturally relevant. We have reason to believe that the same old things (reading, preaching, praying, singing the Word) will continue to work for every culture in every age just as they have done in the past. Why do we feel this constant need for change?

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