Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mystical and Ultimately Dangerous

Honestly, I did not know what to expect from Sally Morgenthaler's view. One aspect of Sally's essay, that I did like, is that she says that emerging churches, unlike contemporary, also hold to the old things. Her view is described as an experiential Christ-centered view. HOWEVER, there are many statements in this article that make Sally's view bizarre and mystical, to put it nicely. For instance, "In another twist, a sculptor may carve the "body of Christ" into bread loaves..." (227), and how about, "Along the wall, worshipers may walk a labyrinth charting Joseph's journey..." (226). She states that every worshiper asks themselves what they would do if they were Joseph when they walk around the labyrinth. Sally even states that emerging churches are reaching the "contexts of their individual, postmodern communities..."

The first comment I had consisted of "Woah Sally!!" and then laughter. I can't say this creativity is unbiblical, but very distracting, mystical, and ultimately seems dangerous!! And about reaching individuals in a postmodern society, Should we accept postmodernism in our church services??? This is taking Christian liberty to the extreme - where do draw the line in our worship???

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