Friday, January 6, 2012

Sternhold and Hopkins meet San Francisco natives

“…At last we fell to prayers and singing of Psalmes, whereby they were allured immediatly to forget their folly…they fell a lifting vp their eyes and hands to heauen as they saw vs do.” (p. 82)

This story literally blew my mind (partly because I didn’t realize the English knew about the west coast back then). Worship was contagious. Somehow the natives knew when the English sang, there was something more going on than sounds coming out of voice boxes. God opened “by some meanes their blinded eyes” to realize these words and music from part of the world they didn't know existed was directed to some greater power, and they wanted to worship him as well.

On an unrelated note: “I told Mr. Nathanl Williams my voice was much Enfeebled; he said twas apparently so.”

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