Monday, January 9, 2012

Proper Worship

It was evident to me once again today as I read the source readings that singing the Word of God is essential to our worship of him and something we need to take seriously. I saw this through the care Isaac Watts took in setting the Psalms in the language of the people and giving directions for its use. He explains very clearly how he divided the Psalms and put them to verse, meter and rhyme, also giving directions for its use in the service and the manner of singing he thought would best serve the worshipers.
John Wesley also evidences a concern for proper worship of the Lord through his Directions for Congregational Singing: "Sing all... sing lustily... sing modestly... sing in time... sing spiritually."(pg.139) He presents these so that "this part of divine worship may be more acceptable to God, as well as more profitable to yourself and others." He clearly was not only concerned with giving his congregation a way to sing the word of God but also that they do it in a way that brings the most to God and edification to other believers.
Both Watts and Wesley took very seriously the task of setting the Word of Christ so that it could be sung. They paid careful attention to the treatment of the text and also to making sure the people knew how to sing it properly and to the best of their ability. We should follow their example as we strive to honor God with proper worship.

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