Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The honor due him

Once again in today's source readings we encountered the discussion of the language we use in worship. This time it was out of a desire to see language used that gives proper honor to our Sovereign Lord.
"When our Saviour was on earth, and in great humility conversant with mankind; when he sat at the tables, and washed the feet, and healed the diseases of his creatures; yet did not his disciples give him any more familiar name than Master, or Lord. And now at the right hand of his Father's Majesty, shall we address him with ditties of embraces and pasions or language which it would be disgraceful in an earthly sovereign to endure?"
(pg. 152)
Reginald Heber here challenges us to keep in mind the greatness of the one we worship. Our language should be different when addressing our Lord because of the honor that his holiness and sovereignty demands. We should not let the way we address people here on earth inform the way we address our heavenly Father, for "O LORD God Almighty, who is like you?"
Psalm 89:8

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