Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Fitting Summary

William Caldwell's words provide a beautiful summary to everything we have discussing for the past two weeks. "The giver of every good and perfect gift has been pleased to bless us with singing faculties, and to music we are indebted for one of the most refined and exalted pleasures which the bounty of heaven ever permitted to gladden the hearts of the children of men. Then, most certainly, it is the reasonable that we improve those faculties of our nature as we have opportunity that we may be prepared to exercise them in accents of acceptable praise to our Creator. (198)" Caldwell rightly viewed the singing of God's praises as both a duty and a pleasure.

As we prepare to enter the Spring semester of 2012, may this quotation remind us that Hymnology was much more than three academic credits. This course has given us some great tools that we can use to worship God throughout the rest of our lives.

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