Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The juries still out on this one. I loved this article in aspects that spoke of bringing what is best to God, and that worship that doesn’t come from the heart is useless. I loved the intense desire to know God. All of these points I wanted to applaud! However, it’s not all a bed of roses.

Apart from the issue we discussed yesterday I found it difficult to swallow some of what he based as the goal of contemporary worship. On page 105 Horness writes of the goals of the different denominations/styles. I found myself asking, if God hasn’t changed, and the bible hasn’t changed, and the goal of the church hasn’t changed (well, the biblical goal at least) then why is our worship changing and subjective to denomination? Horness’s main point is that in contemporary worship it’s about a relationship and knowing God. Again I feel like Horness has confused two distinct roles. We do have the immense privilege of having a relationship with God and songs out of the contemporary field do a great job of demonstrating that. However, that relationship comes from time with God. Reading his word. Worship I believe should be just that, worship. When I read the Psalms I see worship. I read Colossians and I see a command to teach and admonish and sing with gratitude. I might be way off on this one but I think that our time on Sunday is a time that is real because it comes out of our relationship with God, not because we are focusing exclusively on our relationship with God

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