Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My words to God, or God's words to me

Mr. Horness’ emotional appeal is replete with statements of God’s passionate desire for His people to passionately desire Him. A summary of his main praise of contemporary worship is that worshipers can “express to God how they felt” (p. 105).

As I perused the book of Job for texts for my hymn, a pattern occurred to me. Man says, “God you’re so great we want to get to know you we want to talk to you why don’t you answer us?” For a pretty long time. God shows up (uninvited) and says, I am so great. You really have no idea. You want to know me, but you can’t, even if you tried. But I know you. I will come down and talk to you. Now, you shut your mouth and I will speak.” Man’s response is: “…I’ll shut up now.”

God didn’t give a care for all the words and pleas that the humans had been spewing at him. God wanted them to know that He was the one who initiates and grows their relationship. He opens ears to hear what he says, so that they can be pleasing unto him, in spite of their multitude of words.

Is God that concerned for our display of affection for Him? Or does He really want us to acknowledge His work in bringing us to Him and making us acceptable for His presence, and in that knowledge to stand in silence, in awe of Him?

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