Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sing with Understanding

I saw a theme running through most of the source readings today. It was one that stressed the importance of singing sound texts and knowing what it is we are singing. I was overwhelmed by the importance the writers put on the quality of the text and music that we sing in worship. Their thoughts struck me so strongly that I felt as though this idea was being presented to me for the first time. Calvin states that our songs should be ones that "incite us to prayer and to praise God, meditate on his works, in order to love, fear, honor and glorify him."(pg. 67) I was humbled by the responsibility that we have in the fact that we are the only creatures created by God to whom he gave the gift of being able to sing with understanding. Calvin went on to point out that "a Linet, a Nightingale, a Parrot sing well, but without understanding. But the proper gift of man is to sing knowing what he says.." What an incredible responsibility we have to be a steward of this gift he's given us! Let us not take for granted something that is so essential to our worship of God.

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