Monday, January 2, 2012


I feel that the church has in the last couple decades lost its way in seeing what truly is important. We seem to be stumbling into the desert just so that we can say that we are “relevant,” or “contemporary.” We are willing to go to areas that are dry in the issues that truly matter just to attain relevancy. What a refreshing view that Best gives when he takes us away from style to, if we are going to worship, which we are, are we worshiping the best way. I love the practical ways he targets the true issue (are we worshiping the best way) explaining why he believes that the “Traditional Hymn-based Worship” is best suited for the job and doesn't spend his ink on what everyone else is doing wrong.

I have always been led into thinking that it was a war between styles rather than a war between who is to receive our worship, has that been your experience as well?

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