Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Learn My Language

I'm am going to touch again on the aspect of language that we talked briefly about in Tuesday's discussion. Horness makes the statement that when we use hymn-based worship we in essence tell the newcomers, "Learn my language and then I'll describe God to you."(pg. 82) I would like to know where this idea comes from? Horness seems to paint hymn-based worship as selfish and not concerned about the needs of the world. On page 80 he states that "hymn-based worship is often clung to by churches that would rather look inward to the likes and dislikes of the already convinced than to look outward to a world in need." I am wondering at the validity of this argument; does hymn-based worship leave out the newcomer? Is it the job of the church to look to the needs of its members or to the needs of newcomers? If hymn-based worship does alienate newcomers, is it important to change that and how can we go about it?

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