Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Heart's Affections

I glean so many straws of truth when eavesdropping on the Reformer's writings. They frequently assume the truth of the remarks they write... while I am struck with how profound and novice their statements are. Consider what Martin Bucer wrote, "Further, because it is an insult to God not to pray or sing with our hearts, let us at no time be bound to such by a written statue, but spontaneously on Sunday... (58)" The rest of the paragraph is wonderful, but I could not get past the first full phrase. I never considered that God was insulted when His children do not worship Him with their hearts. The statement aligns with everything the Word says concerning our relationship to God, yet I had never thought of offending Him when I am only half-engaged in worship.
Calvin adds to this observation, "Proper affection toward God is not a dead or carnal thing, but is a living change, coming form the holy Spirit (sic) when the heart is rightly touched and the understanding illuminated. (63)" Not only must we worship God with the right affections, but God Himself enables us to possess them. He has given us such a gracious and loving gift!

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