Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Heart Issue

Horness says that his church seeks to worship in a way that "relates" (106) to the unsaved (which seems noble... if you have the wrong concept of the word "church"). However, my question is "if the unsaved visitors are comfortable, will that also make the Christian who is living in unrepentant sin comfortable?? (Just a thought).

After I say all this, I believe that Horness's statement about God, "Worship that is not heartfelt and authentic simply does not interest Him," (102) is indeed true. He says that he sung a hymn and a chorus in "total boredom" saying that God is not pleased with either. Horness is correct in this area. God is not seeking worship that is false and only outward, but is rather seeking heartfelt sincere worship. However, we have to be always careful that we are not bringing worship to God that is SINCERE but WRONG. Finally, I know we can still worship God by singing hymns with our whole hearts. It is not always the hymn's or the chorus's fault that we stuggle to worship God sincerely, but, many times, it is the singers heart and lack of attention to the text that is at fault.

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