Monday, January 2, 2012

God's Minstrels

"Who are, indeed, God's servants if not jongleurs [minstrels] who strive to move men's hearts in order to lead them to the joys of the spirit?" -St. Francis of Assisi (p. 33)Paul might have thought something similar when he wrote "set your affections on things above." "Moving men's hearts" should not be done without engaging the mind; only by right thinking about the truths of heavenly realities can we rightly rejoice in "the joys of the spirit." As our friends in "Exploring the Worship Spectrum" have agreed, music can serve as a catalyst for the emotions. But emotion cannot be trusted without properly directed thinking, as Paul said having "the word of Christ" expressed in its all fullness through our singing. With every "word or deed" in our corporate gatherings done as an act of service, we can joyfully "give thanks to God the Father through [Christ]."

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